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Choruses (15-20 minutes)
Choruses allows for praise to God in song, you will hear lively singing and clapping you are encouraged to participate if you feel comfortable to do so.


Opening Prayer and Welcome



You will hear a personal account of how God has worked in the lives of church members.


A Talk from the Word of God (lasting 30 minutes)


Communion Service

Taking the bread and the cup which is symbolic of the body and the blood of Jesus Christ.


The Operation of the Spiritual Gifts of Tongues,

Interpretation and Prophecy
As laid down in 1Cor 14:27-29 “decently and in order”


The Prayer Line

If you have any need of prayer or would like to receive the Holy Spirit, you are encouraged to put God to the test at this time. A member of the fellowship will be there to pray with you. Opportunity for Baptism is also offered at this time.


Closing Song

We thank you for your attendance and invite you to share a cuppa or a cold drink with us in the hall next door

‘“Therefore, if any man be in Christ he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”’


-2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV

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