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We believe that the Bible is the complete, inspired and only Word of God.


We believe Jesus Christ is the son of God, and in His miraculous birth, death and resurrection.


We believe that we each need to repent, be baptized (fully immersed) in water and receive the Holy Spirit.


We believe that receiving the Holy Spirit is accompanied by the physical evidence of speaking in tongues.


We believe in the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church.


We believe in prayer for the sick and healing by the power of God.


We believe the fulfillment of Bible prophecy confirms God’s plan for the Church, nations and individuals.


We believe Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth for 1,000 years before God creates a new heaven and earth after a final judgement of all men.

"All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them"

Acts 2:4

Our Story

Hi and welcome to our webpage. We are Townsville Revival Fellowship part of a world-wide church called the "The Revival Fellowship". As Jesus said, we are a group of people who follow the Word of God with signs, miracles and wonders following. We go out into community and share our stories and the good news.


“Speaking in Tongues” receiving the Holy Spirit is a common experience throughout and is the beginning of our walk with the Lord. 

Here in Townsville

Revival Fellowship began meeting together in 1995 but have been in Townsville since 1997. 

We are a small happy group with Chris Thomasson as our pastor.


We meet at 37 Meenan St. Garbutt. Our meetings are at 1:30pm Sunday and 7:30pm Wednesday nights. We usually share a cuppa and a catchup afterwards. Our kids have Sunday School at 2pm Sundays. 

Opp Shop

"Do not forget to do good and to help one another, because these are the sacrifices that pleases God" Hebrews 13:16


We also happily run a $2.00 Opp Shop from our 37 Meenan St. address. We are staffed by a group of busy and hard-working volunteers. Our hours are Monday – Friday 10am till 2:30pm

Come and Join Us

“How good and how pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity”

Psalm 133:1


We get together whenever we can, whether it be worship times (fellowship), or enjoying a chat and exploring Townsville and beyond. This includes camping weekends when we can and meeting up with our sister fellowships near by. 


As part of the bigger “Revival” work we also have regular ‘get togethers’ for our younger people and international convention. We come together to share in all the amazing things God has done for all of us. 


We really look forward to meeting you Face-to-Face!

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