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Ladies Community Event


What we do

Community Get Together group started in 2016 with two ladies, a passion for all things textiles and a love for God. With the support of the Revival Fellowship members, the CGT group was formed, with a purpose to bring to Good News to the community while delivering classes of interest.

The group meet once a month on a Saturday morning at the Revival Opp Shop, Meenan Street Garbutt. The day starts with a welcome note before commencing the activity or class. We break for morning tea and share a testimony or two of Gods work in our life, followed by question time. The activity or class concludes at lunch time.  Over the past two years, we have had guest speakers and Master Classes on topics and projects such as;

  • Car maintenance 101 

  • Operation Christmas Child gift box

  • Fabric dye.

  • Cupcake creation

  • Preservers, lunch box snacks and cake decorating

  • Quilting

  • Sewing, alterations and mending classes

  • Project cushion creation

  • Project Boomerang Bags

  • Project Necessary clutch wallet

  • Creative buttons

  • Jewellery creation

At the start of each year we hold a welcome meet, where ideas are formed and collated into a yearly calendar. Everyone is invited to attend and contribute to the coming years’ calendar. The coordinators then source specialists to speak or deliver a Master Class and demonstration. Once the event and specialist is confirmed a Post is submitted on the Revival Opp Shop Facebook web page.


Be sure to like to Revival Opp Shop Facebook page to stay up to date and current with coming events. 

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